So food and alcohol became our solutions.

After the submission of our synthesis papers, the senior Philosophy block had a short ritual of exchanging gifts, and we San Jose seminarians trotted off to prepare for our Christmas caroling at some congressman's house.
After earning 10k for 4 simple songs, we headed straight to Cannan Bistro to join the Philo family for our inuman and year-ender. It was a happy moment for all of us, as we were able to share stories and joke around holding bottles of bear and Kate's weird ashtray (which I wouldn't dare describe in this blog). Heck, the Bistro was so full of happy noise and interesting stories, that we even reached up until 1:30 in the morning before going home.

But this was all preparation for another big day. Come Saturday night, we headed to Merville and into Kate's house, for her birthday treat. Greens, Lights, Tequila, and getting home wasted was all there is for us. Ah, what a way to end the year!
[I wouldn't want to divulge a few details here. Just ask my blockmates as to what exactlyhappened during that night, most especially when I left together with Walt, Marie, and Agno.]

My Sunday was reserved for rest. But then, my mom called and asked me to go home to Batangas and join the whole family in celebrating the Christmas with a party. As usual, we've had lots of food [meaning I would soon get fat after all the munching I have done for the past three days], games, and gifts for everyone. I myself got board shorts that I need for my coming Palawan trip.
I got back home the next day after I got my license card at LTO. Monday was my real rest period as I used up all the time for sleeping and catching up for studies.
All to prepare for the peak of all celebrations outside family. After passing by San Jose Seminary to just get some things needed for our Palawan trip (beach things, of course), I went up to one of my classmate's house in Commonwealth to join my classmates from Guadalupe Minor Seminary, for some food and vices.
However, at about six in the evening, I had to leave and take the bus to Sucat, Paranaque, fo r a big Christmas night composed of shisha, vodka, and Playstation 3. Justin and his bro, Amanda, Mike, and Kate came over to Mykee's house for our little post-Christmas work gathering. Basically, we spent the whole night eating, a few nasty things to begin with, UFC, Tekken, and Guitar Hero World Tour, and telling stories of our nearly ending college days, starting from square one up to the present. Oh, and don't forget the debates on "grand gestures" and the usefulness of philosophy, reaching up to 4:00am.
We boys woke up at around 11am and had our brunch, followed by more Tekken and UFC. Unfortunately, the meeting has to be adjourned and we have to go, and Michael and I had one hell of an adventure trying to ride the jeep from South Bay to Sucat, crossing the street and taking the jeep from Sucat to Baclaran, and then parting ways when I rode the FX to Lawton on the way home. As soon as I arrived, I took a bath and prepared myself for the "last" hurrah.
The Manila seminarians had a Christmas audience with the Cardinal, and besides the very great message on the return of "Christ" in Christmas, another session of great Arzobisopado -served food coupled with stories and our "Christmas aguinaldo."All of us went home together satisfied and prepared to celebrate Christmas in the grandest yet simplest way possible, bearing the true message of Christmas.
The way I told the story of my near-Christmas weekend seemed to be pretty messed up. But then, my point here is to show that Christmas is about having fun and being happy with how things are going. I myself have a lot of work to do, but I had to just set them aside and enjoy the moments while they last [I promise, though, that I will do them after Christmas]. After all, the kings and the shepherds just enjoyed their moment with the child Jesus.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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