As early as November 21, we have already set up the Christmas decorations around the house, and immediately after the feast of Christ the King, we have already prepared the Advent Wreath in our chapel. I've told you, this is something different, and oh, did I say more surprising than everyone wants it to be?
For this year, we started our Kris Kringle right after Bukluran, because we will have our Christmas party as early as the 7th of December, because the seniors will not be available because of synthesis papers (argh darnit). We also are preparing for our College Christmas Party, which is a really really big event for us. In fact, we even came up with this wish list just to let those who picked us for exchange gifts have a glimpse of what we really want. Don't mind the impossible things though, they are just plain crazy:

As for the Kris Kringle, I'm thankful that there is a Vente store at Riverbanks Mall, where I just passed by and bought everything required in the list:
1.something soft
2.something that the AEMC will approve
3.something related to your person's favorite color
4.something tri-colored
5.something with the Registered mark on it (the R on a circle)
6.something you can bring inside the Chapel
Of course, as to what I have gotten used to, I made fun of these Kris Kringle gifts (please translate this in Filipino to nangungupal). I bought a lot of really funny gifts, and I wouldn't say what they are in this blog because there is a big possibility that the person I picked would read this. But then, to make up for all this, I would try buying a grand Christmas gift for that person.
And speaking of gifts and parties, I will be having two more Christmas parties. The first will be the community Christmas party of San Jose where the Tinig Kolehiyo will be performing "Diwa ng Pasko" for the second time (hence, learning to hone my lip-syncing skills again… Just let me do any dance number, anything just to make me not sing!). The other one would be the Philo block Christmas party, and I think the best part of this party will be the gift giving, because we were asked by my blockmate Carlos to come up with two words that could more or less capture what we want. I went for a "readworthy piece," wanting to have a good book for the holidays.
And of course we still have a lot of celebrations to come. There is the KASAMA Christmas party with the Cardinal, the two great drinking sessions (the first for the Philosophy family, and the second for the Triple Humanities Org Inuman, consisting of Samahan, LitSoc, and HumOrg). Most important of all will be our family will have a trip to Palawan for five days of fun and excitement. Mom already texted me that it has been already booked (too bad, the Kuala Lumpure trips were fully booked. That was what my brother and I were hoping for).
Happy holidays, everyone! Now, all I need to do is finish editing and revising this darn synthesis paper.
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