I think that my philosophy classmates and blockmates should take a look at this.
With all the things that I have gone through in all my philosophy courses in my third year, I just cannot pass the opportunity to describe how it was and write about it in a quite creative and significant way. I may not be able to capture everything significant, but I hope that in this work, I covered all the things that are essential: those that could lead us to the more important things that, as one Chinese philosopher says, would be best if left unsaid.
What still remained in this long and tiring journey of finding the purpose of meaning in everything life is captured by the Jesuit metaphysician Norris Clarke, as he said that truly, his philosophizing (his metaphysics in his case) is a long journey, from home and back to home. But I say that, being a young, energetic person like me, the word "journey" does not suffice. Rather, what would best suit my experience of philosophy is that it is an ADVENTURE, one endeavour that led me to other worlds, other ways of thinking, and other ways of viewing the whole with a certain limited perspective, something that might have boundaries, but nevertheless always goes past it. An adventure that is as great as our own personal quest for fulfilment and happiness, or as our favorite Role-Playing Game, full of different choices and strategies that would help us reach the end and see the beauty of having played such game after all.
This adventure started off with recognizing the "IS," which should serve as the very foundation of this adventure, that without it, everything (or most of it) would either remain to be senseless or would be not as meaningful as they are.
So we start with the fundamentals, the very purpose of this adventure. It is. This world is, and this includes me as well. This journey, after all, is set towards finding the meaning of this "is-ness," that which we share and what binds us together, not only within ourselves, but also to the One, on which we "hang on" through this "is-ness."
This should make things fairly easier to explain as we go on describing this adventure. It is inevitable that you would meet up with people, both living and dead, and engage in a fruitful conversation with them. Some we may meet, like our close friends and acquaintances in this journey, but others we may not be able to, yet we meet and encounter them through their wise words which strike our minds and heart. Whenever we read their works, it is as if these people converse with us, present what they think, and ultimately, challenge us by questioning us. They push us to either adopt what they were talking about to give a different meaning in our life, or question them, so for as to construct our own road towards meaning and intelligibility of life.
And so, in our continuous adventuring, meeting these friends, fending off enemies named "sloth" and "absurdity," fighting back with our own efforts to make sense of what we are, and earning gifts and rewards that could help us, our image of what it means to live gradually becomes clearer and clearer. We were able to understand where we came from, who we are, how we are related, and where we are headed too. These are questions that, once we encounter, we can't help but to find the answers, for we believe that when we find such, it would help us live and act more wisely, as well as treat our very own selves as treasures, more valuable than any gold or pearl that we could find. We would find out that the X in the treasure map is found within us, and we would find in ourselves the Treasure, the Infinite Plenitude.
I planned to add more to these, but I think that because most of our own adventures comprise this, and what comes out in our journey depends on how we tackle each and every step, I would not further specify. What I have done is to just uncover these questions that appear in our own adventures.
As we move a step further, we draw closer and closer to the ending, to the Omega point of this adventure. Along the way, we might fail, forget the right words to say and understand, portray a wrong and negative picture of our existence. Nevertheless, we have hidden keys to everything that would help us finish this adventure, and that is hope and love, those which would help us stand up after falling down, try again after failure, and look further at the end of the tunnel, where light would be seen, a resplendent light that is so bright that we cannot do anything but be blinded and be filled with joy because of its brightness. This Light is the same Source, from whom we came from, and he is also the end of the adventure, the Ending CGI that never finishes even until the final credits roll. It is He, the One, the Infinite, who is our Source and Goal, and we should be delighted with that, for we are coming home.
So grab your maps and tools (like science and abstractions), and continue your search that would lead you home. Never give up, and never let laziness defeat you. Always wonder at the richness of this adventure, and look at what is being manifested, of what is being presented to you, that you may be able to make more sense not only out of yourself, but also of the world which you are responsible of bringing with you back home. Learn to walk, and proceed to crossroads that would affirm and shed light and meaning on our existence.
You're such a deep, deep person! Haha! :P