Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Takes: Inception

This just shows how great can Christopher Nolan be, and guys like these are those that we really need in this generation of shallow people who are too immersed in simplistic pleasures and thoughts.

However, I would not say that it raises deep philosophical questions. Like "The Matrix," it stands on an already misunderstood notion of the human mind - the Cartesian idea that the starting point of knowledge (and hence the idea of truth and meaning) is founded on the individual thinking being, the cogito, all alone and separated from the supposed "reality" that he is in. This cogito is therefore stuck with itself, unable to get out and encounter reality except through his own mental constructs and projections.

But with how it was mixed up with psychology and our notion of drawing the line between what is real and what is not effectively disturbed us and once again ask either Lao Tzu's question of the dream, or Descartes' second question in his method of arriving towards the cogito.

The question: am I real? Is everything real? Or are these merely states of mind implanted in my head and I'm sleeping somewhere, in eternal slumber?

Interesting as to how existentialists can answer this.

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